Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I am, I think, I know,.....
Again, Taken from Vicky's post... I purposely didn't read other's answers so that I can put what first pops in my head.
I am: always thinking about food.
I think: about food all the time.
I know: how to play with people's minds...hee hee hee.
I want: to be able to live the lifestyle I dream about.
I have: a hard time thinking of original ideas to post about.
I dislike: it when people are rude or mean.
I miss: the innosense of childhood.
I fear: losing what I have right now.
I feel: feelings that other people have and it is very overwhelming.
I hear: what I want to hear.
I smell: not anymore, I just showered.
I crave: chips and queso and guacomole from Qdoba.
I search: for meaning in what I do or say and for what I am supposed to do.
I wonder: if I'm doing the right things.
I regret: not being myself in all situations.
I love: my children more than I could ever imagine I could love other human beings.
I care: that I come across the way I intended.
I am always: late.
I worry: more than I should. I need to pray more. However, I cause most worries myself...
I remember: almost everything from childhood.
I have: what I need right now.
I dance: every evening in the kitchen while making dinner.
I sing: constantly.
I don’t always: think of others first.
I argue: with my husband every single day.
I write: lists, a lot.
I lose: lists, a lot.
I wish: for happiness and contentment for myself and children in every situation.
I listen: for quietness in my day.
I don't understand: math.
I can usually be found: at home in the kitchen or on the floor in the living room playing cars.
I am scared: I am royally screwing up my kids.
I need: more money.
I forget: almost everything that pops in my head 2 seconds later.
I am happy: I don't know.
Posted by HHLSS at 12:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What made my day today was...while finishing a book with Boden today he preceded to "ah ah ah" which mean "again". I said more? And he did the sign for more! We had watched a sign language dvd from the library a few times a week ago and he remembered! Later at the park he did it when he came down the slide. Maybe I will play dvds for him some more as he was pretty proud at how excited I was for him.
Posted by HHLSS at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Today Leiton scored a goal in soccer. Their team was down a player so they had no breaks and played 1 less than the other team and they won 7 to 1. What a cool group of boys on his team! Boden learned how to mimic his sister doing a hand stand and can "ta da" with the best of them! I wish we could have been more apart of the Extreme Makeover things going on around town. We probably won't get over there tomorrow and then its over! What a quick and exciting week it has been. Can't wait to see it on TV.
Posted by HHLSS at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
What made my day today was...walking to the park with a friend and watching Boden get swarmed by little friends wanting to play. He tried to push each one down at first but then joined them on the slide... I also got to spill my heart and got some very loving and caring advise from a friend. Aaahhhhhh, so refreshing. If only it wasn't so darn hot outside!
Posted by HHLSS at 11:14 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What made my day today Boden a dandelion I picked for him on a short walk we took in front of our house. Boy did he light up! He was as giddy as an old man getting a kiss from a young lady.
Posted by HHLSS at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
First day of school
I have an empty feeling today. The normal day is no longer. This day will become the new normal. I'm sure I will enjoy it soon. Today though, I feel empty and worry and longing to see my kids. I don't konw that I am the example to set for them. I was constantly going over and over the plan for the morning and after school. I forgot Leiton's jacket and had to return with it. I walked Hali to her locker, but not to her classroom. Was that right? I worry that she came upon a problem that if I had been there wouldn't have been. Leiton played brave, though I knew underneath he was about to lose his tears. I am so proud how he found his locker and went right to his class and desk without looking behind. I worry they can find each other after school so they can get on the bus for the first time ever. I worry that they know when to get off. I worry about how they are going to react when they get home about their day. Will they be excited or will they let all steam blow that they have been holding in all day. I pray. I take the advise I gave to Hali last night and give my worries to God.
Posted by HHLSS at 9:48 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Taking a break.
I am taking a break from taking a break from blogging. Recently my beloved Blackberry decided it wasn't going to work anymore. I never thought I would be one of those people who could not get by without a cell phone...I hate talking on the phone, but I love checking emails and facebook and what have you at any time. My warranty of course is up and I'm not due for an upgrade until November. I am searching for a Verizon phone now on my computer. I hate being on the computer. It seems as if the minute I get on I get SO mad and frustrated because it is slow and everyone needs me and I end up not getting anything accomplished except for making kids and myself cry. I have been making a list in my head of all the places I need to go online and once I finally get a few quiet moments and the computer is working I can't think of one darn thing. Oh, I just remembered one now....I need to do my pictures I tried to download. I'll have to write that one down. Ok, what I just wrote wasn't what I started out wanting to blog about here and now for the life of me I can't remember what I was going to blog about. Isn't it fun getting inside my head? Now you know why I always appear oh, what's the word....CONFUSED all the time.
Posted by HHLSS at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I really wish.....
I was good at telling stories. I have so many things to write about however when I write it comes out nothing like I experienced it. I wish I would have paid attention in English class.
Here's an update of our July. We spent the beginning of the month at the lake. Tina was in town for our cousin's wedding and we spent the 4th of July together at the lake. The following week Steve had the week off so we brought him with. This was his first time at this property. He's not much of an outdoor guy and he did admit he had withdrawals from no internet or cable TV. Leiton had so much fun getting him out on the dock fishing however we were not able to convince him to get in the lake and swim with us. I am such an outdoor person I really can't understand indoor people at all! As we headed back home we hit a deer not more than5 minutes into our drive. How traumatic is that! I cried so hard. Our front end was totaled. We are still waiting as far as whether the insurance company will let us fix it as they wanted to total it. Fine, if it was worth anything but even though that is our "new" car it's not worth much. Anyway, when we got home we pretty much all got sick. Leiton had pink eye in both eyes, sore throat. I have had a sore throat since with a terrible cough. We have been to the Dr. twice now and we don't have strep but Leiton does have double ear infections.
So, here I am, wishing I could have July back. July has got to be the fastest month. Does August even count as a summer month anymore? The sun isn't as strong, back to school is everywhere, I just feel the doom of Fall coming. I love Fall but not when I'm not ready for it. Hopefully I can feel better soon so I can get outside and not waste my Summer away anymore.
Posted by HHLSS at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
I have not looked at my blog for so long I forgot my password!! I have been busy decorating my house. I have been wanting to add items for so long and all I have left to do is some painting of furniture and of Hali's room. It takes all of my focus when I get an idea to change something or add something and I tend to neglect everything else. On top of that I also got my new camera yesterday!! It is no where close to being an actual NEW camera but it is new to me. I bought it on eBay and I am so so excited to figure out how to use it. It is an EOS D6o DSLR camera. Already I love the pictures I have taken in automatic mode only. I have been DYING to learn how to take photos with blurry backgrounds you have no idea. I have found that I have alot of reading to do and research to know how to do any editing. I find myself here at my blog again after realizing I know nothing about RAW images and that I cannot edit them???? I have to take a break anyway as Boden just woke up. I hope to be able to blog some of my new pictures soon!
Posted by HHLSS at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Something to make you smile...
Sorry about the neck pain trying to watch this. :(
Posted by HHLSS at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
To continue...
on my previous post. I feel this will be the new trend for my blogging. I can find no other way to make my ramblings make any sense than to just add on to what I was trying to say before. I love my distractions and I am so thankful for them. For sanity reasons I need to sleep when they sleep. Boden is 10 months old now but since I need my full 8 hours of sleep to just be nice I need to just do it that way. SO, taking time to do things after bedtime is out right now. Right now Hali and Leiton are at the park skating with Steve. Following that they are going to pick up some groceries and bring home dinner. What more can I ask for in a Sunday afternoon? Boden is getting angry at me for plopping him in his exersauser so I better make this quick. What I have realized about my photography learning is basically I need a new camera. I have a Kodak EasyShare c330 which was given to me as a Christmas gift about 5 years ago. After some reading on the internet I realize I need a SLR camera. I do not want to invest that kind of money since I am just learning from ground zero. I am wondering, should I start with a SLR camera that uses film since they are SO much cheaper on Ebay or should I just start with a newer digital camera with greater megapixels? Also, what kind of photoediting programs do people use? I have been using Picasa. I don't want to spend any money. If I start using a manual focusing camera lens do I really need photo editing that much? I want to achieve the look of an in-focus subject with a blurry background. I know, so many questions!! That's just a part of all that is going on in my head! ha ha.....kind of.
Posted by HHLSS at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I have been....
Trying to figure out photography and photo editing.....all while trying to take care of a baby, 2 kids and their homework, fighting, what have you, cleaning house, cooking meals, doing laundry listening to LOUDness! all while answering the question am I done yet! I find it impossible to keep up with my blog and things that interest me such as photography or just reading a book. As I type this I have yelled "what was that??? what happened???" way too many times for me to feel like I am justified to be blogging right now. How do people do it???
Posted by HHLSS at 4:59 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I love these...
1. What is your current obsession? poor kids.
2. What are you wearing today?
Black sweat pants and my brother-in-law's Sioux T shirt. GO GOPHERS!
3. What’s for dinner?
I made chicken carbonera, thank you very much!
4. What’s the last thing you bought?
Cold medicine.
5. What are you listening to right now?
background music from the wii.
6. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Laguna Beach baby!
7. What is one thing you want to change about yourself?
I wish I had the "cool" mom look.
8. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
A sunny beach.
9. Which language do you want to learn?
sign language.
10. What’s your favorite quote?
This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
11. Would you cook for me?
of course.
12. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you?
by praying for them.
13. What are you afraid of the most?
My children suffering. And vomit. (from Bonnie, but right on!)
14. Who do you want to meet right now?
15. What is your favorite color?
16. Give us 3 styling tips that work for you?
Right now a shower is all I'm lucky to get to.
17. What is your dream job?
I would love to be a stay at home mom who had a rich husband. 1 out of 2 isn't bad. :)
18. What’s your favorite magazine?
Good Housekeeping, Real Simple, People.
19. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
20. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Anything I have been wearing for the last 5 years.
21. Who, according to you, is the most over-rated writer?
I haven't read anything I haven't liked lately.
22. What brings a smile on your face instantly?
23. What is one word that you say a lot?
24. What kind of haircut do you prefer?
Something that is shaped nicely.
25. What are you going to do after this?
Have some tea, channel surf for a half hour and probably go to bed.
26. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
27. What makes you go wild?
Listening to Y94 and singing and dancing while making dinner. WHOOO HOOO I'm a wild one!
28. What are your favorite movies?
Gracie, CaddyShack, I don't know, whenever I am forced to name them I always draw a blank. I need to study myself more.
29. What inspires you?
Jesus, unexpected kindness.
30. What do your friends call you most commonly?
31. Would you prefer coffee or tea?
My coffee in the morning and for most of the day but before bed I love chamomille tea.
32. Which other blogs do you love visiting?
I usually start with Vicky, I AM MOMMY and then click on others from there. I found the pioneer one recently that I really like too. I like learning new things.
33. What is your favorite dessert/sweet?
Cheesecake, frosted cookies, frozen grapes.
34. How many tabs are turned on in your browser right now?
35. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
36. What is your favorite season?
Late Spring and the early part of Summer.
37. What is one wish that you really want to see come true?
Winning the powerball.
38. What breaks your heart?
Having my kid's feeling scared, sad, embarrassed or not understood.
39. What's one thing you really want to do in life?
What I'm supposed to do.
Posted by HHLSS at 6:52 PM 3 comments
Welcome to the 21st Century to me!
Ok, I have spent many, many, many hours on this dang computer trying to upload pictures, blog, facebook what have you and it's not what you think. I have spent about a total of 30 seconds actually doing those things. See, our computer is EXTREMELY slow. I have done everything from removing everything to hitting and screaming and well, you get the picture. I read something on facebook (using my blackberry) that I can use a different web browser. I guess I am a little out of it because I thought Internet Explorer was the only way to go online. Guess what. IT'S NOT! I tried Firefox on the advise of a few facebook friends and it is amazing!!!! What used to get me so frustrated and never got me anywhere except for having to apologize for the not so nice words mommy was using, is now nothing a blissful experience! I can go from site to site to site, boom, boom, boom! I feel like I have a little ADHD after moving around so fast! I can for sure get some blogging and work done now. I only have a few minutes a day to do "my" thing so what a life save Firefox is! Now, if I can only get Boden to sleep for more than an hour during naptime......
Posted by HHLSS at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Ice Rink

Posted by HHLSS at 11:02 AM 1 comments