I have not looked at my blog for so long I forgot my password!! I have been busy decorating my house. I have been wanting to add items for so long and all I have left to do is some painting of furniture and of Hali's room. It takes all of my focus when I get an idea to change something or add something and I tend to neglect everything else. On top of that I also got my new camera yesterday!! It is no where close to being an actual NEW camera but it is new to me. I bought it on eBay and I am so so excited to figure out how to use it. It is an EOS D6o DSLR camera. Already I love the pictures I have taken in automatic mode only. I have been DYING to learn how to take photos with blurry backgrounds you have no idea. I have found that I have alot of reading to do and research to know how to do any editing. I find myself here at my blog again after realizing I know nothing about RAW images and that I cannot edit them???? I have to take a break anyway as Boden just woke up. I hope to be able to blog some of my new pictures soon!
The Hospice Journey
6 years ago
That is so exciting Heather! I can't wait to see your photos. Sounds like we'll be seeing a lot of each other this summer... Colton is really excited.
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