Saturday, September 4, 2010

Taking a break.

I am taking a break from taking a break from blogging. Recently my beloved Blackberry decided it wasn't going to work anymore. I never thought I would be one of those people who could not get by without a cell phone...I hate talking on the phone, but I love checking emails and facebook and what have you at any time. My warranty of course is up and I'm not due for an upgrade until November. I am searching for a Verizon phone now on my computer. I hate being on the computer. It seems as if the minute I get on I get SO mad and frustrated because it is slow and everyone needs me and I end up not getting anything accomplished except for making kids and myself cry. I have been making a list in my head of all the places I need to go online and once I finally get a few quiet moments and the computer is working I can't think of one darn thing. Oh, I just remembered one now....I need to do my pictures I tried to download. I'll have to write that one down. Ok, what I just wrote wasn't what I started out wanting to blog about here and now for the life of me I can't remember what I was going to blog about. Isn't it fun getting inside my head? Now you know why I always appear oh, what's the word....CONFUSED all the time.