Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am, I think, I know,.....

Again, Taken from Vicky's post... I purposely didn't read other's answers so that I can put what first pops in my head.

I am: always thinking about food.
I think: about food all the time.
I know: how to play with people's minds...hee hee hee.
I want: to be able to live the lifestyle I dream about.
I have: a hard time thinking of original ideas to post about.
I dislike: it when people are rude or mean.
I miss: the innosense of childhood.
I fear: losing what I have right now.
I feel: feelings that other people have and it is very overwhelming.
I hear: what I want to hear.
I smell: not anymore, I just showered.
I crave: chips and queso and guacomole from Qdoba.
I search: for meaning in what I do or say and for what I am supposed to do.
I wonder: if I'm doing the right things.
I regret: not being myself in all situations.
I love: my children more than I could ever imagine I could love other human beings.
I care: that I come across the way I intended.
I am always: late.
I worry: more than I should. I need to pray more. However, I cause most worries myself...
I remember: almost everything from childhood.
I have: what I need right now.
I dance: every evening in the kitchen while making dinner.
I sing: constantly.
I don’t always: think of others first.
I argue: with my husband every single day.
I write: lists, a lot.
I lose: lists, a lot.
I wish: for happiness and contentment for myself and children in every situation.
I listen: for quietness in my day.
I don't understand: math.
I can usually be found: at home in the kitchen or on the floor in the living room playing cars.
I am scared: I am royally screwing up my kids.
I need: more money.
I forget: almost everything that pops in my head 2 seconds later.
I am happy: I don't know.


Vicky said...

I am so glad you played along too! These are great :) I laughed about the lists... and crave chips and queso from Qdoba often.