Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tina's having a girl!

We found out today that my sister is going to have a girl! She's not going to share what the name is going to be until after it is born. I don't know how people can do that!! As soon as I have a name picked out I have to share it with EVERYONE!! I know alot of people make faces indicating their true feelings of the name or say they know someone who has that name and is ugly or something like that but that doesn't bother me. In fact I want to know what people think before hand. I have always been someone who doesn't like what everyone else likes and in fact if everyone LOVES a name I tend not to. Hali was a name I had picked out since 8th grade when I first met a Hali in junior high. To my would-be-husbands I held out that my daughter's name was going to be Hali and it came true. Leiton was a name I had to work on. I was going for Aiden and I was working in an office with all women at the time. Everyone had an opinion. I even emailed my friend Gretchen several times a day of names I found on She is always short in her opinions which I appreciate. Finally after watching tennis and having Steve point out the name Lleyton (Hewitt) I was hooked. Then came the spelling. Most people didn't like the name or didn't have an opinion. I looked up the "correct spelling" which was Leighton and mixed it up a bit and got Leiton! Now no one can pronounce it right when it is read. Hali's either but what the hey. I'm putting it out there now if I have a girl it is going to be Piper. I met a mom who had the cutest girl at gymnastics and when she told me her name I had to ask twice. It really grew on me and now no matter how many funny faces I get that is my name. It's the child that makes the name anyway and I think I make pretty cool kids. : ) If I have a boy however I'm struggling for a name. All my old ideas come up short now. We'll see.....


Vicky said...

I love your taste in names... I hate to tell you this but layton... different spelling of course... was on our list for Colton! I haven't had a chance to see you... is there news that I don't know aobut? How exciting for your sister!