Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I'm up to....

I have been keeping notes on my Blackberry on topics I want to blog about so I will start with that for my newest blog. I have begun to use that phone as a lifeline. I have about 10 different lists that I add to on my memo pad every day. Lately I haven't been able to hold a thought for more than a few seconds. I even often forget what I'm doing WHILE doing it! I don't feel overly stressed or tired, I have just become a little too good at multi-tasking. I have even got caught saying to my kids "mommy can only do 23 things at one time!". I have been laughed at in stores for the things I guess I have been saying out loud because if I just think my thoughts it will be forgotten but if I say them out loud my daughter can remind me what I was thinking about when I ask. Even as I sit here writing this I just had to read back what I wrote because I forgot what I was blogging about! Leiton is a pro at finishing my sentences! I can't think of the words to finish them. So, if I remember, I will be touching up my blog with some of those topics I think of..and quickly add to my list.


Vicky said...

Would love to have you back blogging more again! Good luck, I do think your new strategy is really a good one!