Friday, May 30, 2008

Just for fun....

20 years ago I:
1. Was getting ready to end my junior high career and start a laid back summer of sun, swimming and no job.
2. Played Q-Bert at Jerry's one stop with BFF Gretchen while sneaking peaks at the latest Playgirl centerfold (David Lee Roth).
3. Had way too many crushes on way too many boys!

10 years ago I:
1. Graduated college
2. Met my husband
3. Was 50 pounds lighter

5 years ago I:
1. Was a stay at home mom of two kids then 3 and 1
2. Lived in the yellow house on the corner which I loved!
3. Bought my first mini-van

3 years ago I:
1. Moved next door to the best neighbors ever
2. Was getting ready for a fun summer with thd kids
3. I don't know...that's about it

1 year ago I:
1. Realized I signed the kids up for way to many activities for one summer
2. Leiton started summer preschool and Hali graduated kindergarten
3. was one year younger

So far this year I:
1. Have moved
2. Started working part time again
3. Saw my son graduate preschool

Yesterday I:
1. Worked
2. Worked out
3. Took a nap with Hali and Leiton on a couch way too small for us during a thunderstorm.

Today I:
1. Am working
2. Get paid!
3. Am really really really glad it is Friday

Tomorrow I:
1. will sleep in
2. Go to the lakes weather permitting
3. Play with my kids

In the next year I:
1. Hope to lose about 50 pounds
2. Hope to be expecting another child
3. Will have two children in elementary school.....YIKES!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Fargo Marathon

Saturday was the Fargo Marathon and this was our first year involved with it. My sister Tina had been training forever for it and traveled 1500 miles to run! She started out great. By mile 5 she started not feeling too well. By mile 15 she came upon my parents on the route where my dad told her to stop as she was not looking good at all! She said she's not going to quit and took off running again. After 3 more miles of running/walking she had to call it. She was having stomach problems and was just too sick to continue. A volunteer got her and took her off to the side where she sat until 11:30. She would have made the 3 hours 30 minutes that she was shooting for. I'm so sorry Tina!
That afternoon the kids had a chance to race. They were so excited! We had been running a little up to Saturday and I knew they would have no problem with the 1.2 mile race. It was pretty emotional for me to see them in the line up and taking off. Hali went first in the 5-7 year old race and Leiton followed right after in the 5-6 year old race. They both made it the whole way without walking! WOW! That is more than I can do! I'm just glad I didn't have to run with them. They didn't want me to! ha ha. They were so proud when they ran into the tunnel at the dome and everyone was cheering! I had tears...Overall the whole experience was incredible and I have asked Tina to help train me online so I can run something. She has her doubts as I am not a very good listener....We'll see.