Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby update

I am finally getting around to blogging about my pregnancy. I apologize for not being a good blogger lately! :) As you can see I had another ultrasound about a month ago. The little bugger would not cooperate with the ultrasound tech so some things were missed however I was able to find out it is indeed another boy! He was all balled up as you can tell from the picture. He was head down with his feet right up to his head which would explain the weird kicking feelings I have been feeling down there. He is healthy as far as they can tell. I have been very very nervous and scared something is wrong this whole time so that was very reasuring! This pregnancy has been very different than the others in that it hasn't hit me that I am going to have another baby yet. With Hali it was all new and exciting and I was constantly reading and learning new things. With Leiton I had a 1 year old around so everything was baby baby baby. This time we have nothing baby around. My mind has been so far away from baby things I have almost forgotten what is going on. If it weren't for how badly I have been feeling you would have no idea were were expecting! I had to quit my job at Meritcare due to not being able to stand for my shift. I would stand for only a few minutes and get a tightness feeling in my stomach, would start sweating and losing my balance and then start not beling able to hear which is a sign of fainting. I also would have swolen ankles when I got home and would be pretty much done for the day to my family. I spoke with my doctor and he explained to me that the blood would go to my feet and because of this obstruction in my middle it would not get to my brain. He suggested moving around more, bobbing on my feet but it didn't help. He also suggesting laying on my left side. Well that home..not at work. I had no choice but to quit and I feel really guilty....that is until I get that icky icky feeling again. I have had it happen while shopping, waiting in line for food at West Acres and it really makes me think ahead to what I am doing. I just need to take it easy and other things will need to wait. This is HARD for me. I am the one to do everything at home and to see things pile up drives me crazy which of course leads to my emotional episodes. Something breaks in my brain and I cannot let it go! I cannot lay down and relax with a mess in front of me so I have learned to clean/pickup SLOWLY. This of course means I am constantly cleaning/picking up from morning to night since I can't get it done in one session. I also have no neck. I have grown a double chin that ate my ugly. I am so waiting to start a healthy lifestyle. I want to start running and getting into shape again. I have made numerous lists to a new me that I can begin in May. I only hope my boobs will allow me. Breast feeding in the past made my boobs SO big I could barely walk without support from my hands. This lasted for a good year! We'll see I guess. What else....Leiton is so excited. He talks about babies, points out all the babies we see, feels the baby kicking. He is going to be an awesome big brother. Hali is in denial I believe although she does like picking out baby clothes. I'll let that be her thing. I am excited and anxious for this to be over. My friend Gretchen and her husband Rob just became parents of a little girl through adoption are both enjoying their new baby. I am longing for that point. I do not enjoy pregnancy. I am extremely thankful to have the priviledge however.


Vicky said...

I am sorry you had to quit your job! But I contracted all the time too... the whole tightening thing... I had to lay on my left side too... the things we go through!

Ahhhhh, yes its hard. I have no doubt its necessary however... we would never choose to slow down for anything if we weren't forced to at some point!

Hang in there : ) You have such cute kids, can't wait to see what a new Selseth baby looks like!