Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here I am at the end of the day and I'm wondering what I did? My days go so fast yet I don't accomplish anything....on my list that is. I have this short amount of time at the end of the day after the kids are all in bed that I can do what I want. Lately that has been pigging out on chocolate animal crackers and diet Dr. Thunder while watching smut reality TV. It's such a breath of fresh air! ha ha. I wait and wait for this time all day especially around supper time when it seems I can't take anymore. That is the loudest time of the day. Kids are hungry and I am preparing dinner. I also am thinking of all that needs to get done before bed time and the oh so glorious my time. Homework seems to last FOREVER! Why is 3rd grade now equivilant to my 6th grade?? I try to do my jobs cheerfully and this definately takes a conscious effort. Hali is getting her bible on Sunday so we have been taking bible classes and I have been reading and relearning some things. One of which is the importance of doing our work cheerfully and the best we can. It works! I wish I could post some pictures of my day today as I found some pretty cute and funny moments but that's ok.... I have decided I can post without pictures however pictures make blogs much more interesting don't you think?