Thursday, October 29, 2009


The flu has hit the Selseth household. Leiton woke up with a high fever Sunday morning. Hali was to get her bible in church that morning so my mom and dad were coming. My mom ended up staying home with Leiton. My dad who is still very weak from his surgery was able to come with us to church. He didn't come in or stay as we don't want him to get sick. On Tuesday morning I woke with a fever. Wow does that feel terrible. I still have to take Hali to school and take care of Leiton who is still sick with a fever. He woke up very thirsty so I let him drink as much water as he wanted. Oops! He threw that up. He did however feel better after that. In fact I was going to send him to school this morning. I took his temp and it was 101! He appears to be doing better. I guess that 24 hour rule won't allow him to go to school tomorrow again. He has missed a whole week of school! Hali has managed to stay healthy. I am so lucky to have her. She quickly takes over as mommy when she sees I am struggling. She asks if we need anything, cleans, does her homework, gets her breakfast, gets dressed, cleans her name it. How did I luck out with her?? Boden has been struggling with a cold. It's his first cold and he is so congested. He hasn't had a fever so I don't believe it is the flu. I am just glad to get it and get over it. No more worrying if we are going to get it. We lived through the plague. I wonder if you can get it more than once??? HMMMmmmm I hope not.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here I am at the end of the day and I'm wondering what I did? My days go so fast yet I don't accomplish anything....on my list that is. I have this short amount of time at the end of the day after the kids are all in bed that I can do what I want. Lately that has been pigging out on chocolate animal crackers and diet Dr. Thunder while watching smut reality TV. It's such a breath of fresh air! ha ha. I wait and wait for this time all day especially around supper time when it seems I can't take anymore. That is the loudest time of the day. Kids are hungry and I am preparing dinner. I also am thinking of all that needs to get done before bed time and the oh so glorious my time. Homework seems to last FOREVER! Why is 3rd grade now equivilant to my 6th grade?? I try to do my jobs cheerfully and this definately takes a conscious effort. Hali is getting her bible on Sunday so we have been taking bible classes and I have been reading and relearning some things. One of which is the importance of doing our work cheerfully and the best we can. It works! I wish I could post some pictures of my day today as I found some pretty cute and funny moments but that's ok.... I have decided I can post without pictures however pictures make blogs much more interesting don't you think?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I'm up to....

I have been keeping notes on my Blackberry on topics I want to blog about so I will start with that for my newest blog. I have begun to use that phone as a lifeline. I have about 10 different lists that I add to on my memo pad every day. Lately I haven't been able to hold a thought for more than a few seconds. I even often forget what I'm doing WHILE doing it! I don't feel overly stressed or tired, I have just become a little too good at multi-tasking. I have even got caught saying to my kids "mommy can only do 23 things at one time!". I have been laughed at in stores for the things I guess I have been saying out loud because if I just think my thoughts it will be forgotten but if I say them out loud my daughter can remind me what I was thinking about when I ask. Even as I sit here writing this I just had to read back what I wrote because I forgot what I was blogging about! Leiton is a pro at finishing my sentences! I can't think of the words to finish them. So, if I remember, I will be touching up my blog with some of those topics I think of..and quickly add to my list.