to post about the birth of the new addition to our family...Boden John Selseth. He was born April 23rd 2009 at 7:53AM and weighed in at 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long.
The night before I was unbelievably nervous. I worried I would oversleep as we had to be up by 4AM to get everything ready. I also worried about not taking in every moment as this will more than likely be our last child.
I did wake up on time and I slept surprisingly well. My dad drove in from Battle Lake that moment to be here when the kids woke up and take them to school. I felt nervously sick as we left. Steve drove which always makes me nervous as well. I remember the car ride and the route we took. I was definately remembering to remember every little detail. When we got there I was pretty excited.
From the start the nurses were great which was not anticipated at all since I had bad experiences before. I got dressed and hooked up. Right away I noticed strange feeling in my stomach which I just assumed was due to the fact I had an upset stomach the day before and also my nerves. I just happened to ask if I was showing any contractions and the nurse looked and noted indeed I have.....every 2 minutes to be exact. I was actually getting to experience labor which I wanted....or so I thought. The contractions were getting stronger and my bottom was having a lot of pressure. Now when I went into labor with Hali I wasn't sure I was in labor and didn't even bring a bag however apparently I was and I was also almost 9 centimeters dialated! Anyway, I had to "breathe" through all the prepping that goes into a C section. Finally when they were ready for me I had to walk back while stopping every couple of steps to breathe through a contraction! That operating room always makes me cry when I get in there. I'm sure it's hormones but man I bawled like a baby. The spinal also hurt terribly and it was hard to sit still while in labor. All was well and my beautiful little Boden was born. I remember every little detail of my birth and of my hospital stay. I keep replaying in my head and kind of wishing I could do it all over again. I know that is weird but I didn't want it to be over and I had such a good experience this time. I love my doctor and I miss all the attention I had been getting. It made me want to do it just one more time. Steve said we can....if he wins the lottery : ). Hmmmm. We'll see. Anyway, that is my birth story of the wonderful and beautiful Boden.
I will make a greater effort to keep this blogging up and reporting how life in the Selseth household is going with a new little baby!
Welcome back :) And welcome baby Boden! He is just adorable and that was a beautiful birth story! I hope you do come back and update :) You can always put a link on facebook and I'll bet lots of your friends would follow it!
Thanks Vicky! I have been following your blog however ever since I got my blackberry I have been using that instead of our computer and I am not able to leave comments or blog. I am also having a hard time typing on a regular keyboard!! ha ha. I do miss the big screen so I'm thinking I will be using the computer again and should be able to keep up with it again.
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