Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Apple Orchard

A couple Sundays back we went to the Apple Orchard in south Fargo. We have been doing this for a few years now. It is always so much fun to run around and see how many apples you can get. It makes me feel like a kid again. We managed to get enough to make an apple pie. I never made one before and it didn't look like a pie but it tasted like one. Yah me!

As you can see from the pictures, Leiton is quite the poser! I swear I just told him to smile and well...you see. He even put his arm around Hali!! It was quick before Hali pushed him away but I got it! ha ha.


Vicky said...

What great pics you took! The story about the one with Leiton with his arm around his sister is hilarious! Loved all of them. Don't ya just love this time of year? Apple pie, apple crisp... soon pumpkins... yum!